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Supreme Court Shows Way Forward for UK Class Actions

The UK Supreme Court handed down its decision in the matter of Lloyd v Google on 10 November 2021. With this judgment, the doors to a minefield of potential representative actions in England and Wales have been prised to open a little further. As Google enjoys the present victory, claimant groups may well be celebrating the clarity that this case has delivered.

Without a doubt, the reasoning of the Court will inspire a re-focus on what a successful representative procedure (CPR rule 19.6) looks like, and with some adjustment, the shots fired in the next class action battle are very likely to blow the doors off.

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In the present case, I could see no legitimate objection to a representative claim brought to establish whether Google was in breach of the DPA 1998 and, if so, seeking a declaration that any member of the represented class who has suffered damage by reason of the breach is entitled to be paid compensation.


disputes, f-conflict, class actions, perspective

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