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Cybersecurity Risks in the Construction Industry

The construction industry is not exempt from cyber-attacks and can benefit greatly from proactive measures to mitigate the potential risks that could impact operations. Cybersecurity risks affect all types of businesses, but the mitigation measures and solutions are not the same.

During this webinar, our panel of industry leaders will discuss cybersecurity and its impact on the construction industry, including types of cyber losses, litigation exposure and trends, legal obligations, and data security best practices.

View the Webinar Recording



  • Karen Layng, President, M.A.I.T Co. Karen is the founder and president of M.A.I.T. Co.

Cosponsored with the ABA Section of Litigation Construction Litigation Committee.


construction & infrastructure, construction project & ops, construction disputes, cybersecurity & data privacy, f-risk, webinar, data privacy & cyber risk

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