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Ankura Voices l Diversity & Women in Leadership with Emily Cohen

Emily Cohen is a Managing Director based in our Chicago office with over 14 years’ experience in consulting including data privacy, regulatory compliance, analytics, and legal discovery. She is a Certified Information Privacy Manager and is currently focused on helping clients minimize risk by developing tailored, technology-enabled solutions that meet both compliance and business objectives.

She is also Co-Lead of Ankura’s Women’s Leadership Forum which provides opportunities for dialogue across a diverse and interdisciplinary group of experts while strengthening connections across the cybersecurity and privacy industry.

In conversation with Janette Potgieter; data, technology, and eDiscovery specialist at Ankura, Emily discusses diversity, inclusion, and career progression for women in the cybersecurity and data privacy space.

© Copyright 2021. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of Ankura Consulting Group, LLC., its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its other professionals. Ankura is not a law firm and cannot provide legal advice.


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