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| 1 minute read

Dare to Be Great in JV Dealmaking

Our experience advising more than 600 joint venture and partnership transactions has given us a deep appreciation of the challenges of JV dealmaking and the impact of good dealmakers on the ultimate success of a JV. We have drawn on this experience as well as input from some of the world’s best JV dealmakers to develop a set of 20 standards of excellence for structuring joint venture deals. These standards cover the key practices we believe raise the odds of getting a good deal done. With the typical global firm seeing 15 to 25% of its annual income, asset base, or market value tied to JVs and other partnerships and the typical corporate development department screening voluminous JV opportunities each year, we think dealmakers should dare to be great in JV dealmaking – and offer them a map to do so.   

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joint ventures & partnerships, f-risk, article, transactions

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