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Raise Your VOICE: Anthony Brockington

I once read, “Black History is a time of rejoicing, celebrating and thanking those African-Americans for giving us hope or a life lesson that could be used.” My parents taught my siblings and me at a very early age to know our worth and what we could contribute to our community. That statement still, to this day, has an impact on me to be better at what I do and strive for higher achievements.

I grew up in a mixed middle-class neighborhood that, as some of you may know, can be intimidating to say the least. I was bussed to school out of our neighborhood and was at times subjected to many hate crimes, as we call them today. After completing high school at the age of 17, I immediately joined the United States Army. It was after my first enlistment that I decided to make the military a career and strive to do better. I was discharged under Honorable Conditions, after receiving many awards and accolades during my 20-year enlistment.

While serving in the military overseas, my Black and Brown peers and I experienced a form of racism different than what I had experienced at home. This was the subtle racism of the nationalist perspective of other countries. We formed a group in Bremerhaven, Germany, and held weekly meetings to discuss what experiences we encountered and how to reach a resolution. I asked to be the Equal Opportunity Representative and did so throughout my military career in hopes that I could educate and help others, not only for the betterment of themselves, but for the betterment of their spouses, children, and other family members.

My heroes and the people who shaped me are my Father, Mother, and all of the great leaders and leadership that I have encountered, not only in my military career but also in my professional career as well, be they black or white.

This post is part of a series as Ankura celebrates Black History Month: we recognize significant achievements, honor traditions, and celebrate our colleagues. We are excited to share the stories of Black professionals at our Firm not only in February but throughout the year.

My parents taught my siblings and me at a very early age to know our worth and what we could contribute to our community.


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