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Ankura CTIX FLASH Wrap-Up - April 2022

The Ankura Cyber Threat Investigations and Expert Services (CTIX) FLASH Wrap-Up is a collection of high-level cyber intelligence summaries pertaining to current or emerging cyber events in April 2022, originally published in CTIX FLASH Updates throughout April. This publication includes ransomware/malware threats, threat actor activity, and newly identified vulnerabilities impacting a wide range of industries and victims.

The CTIX FLASH Update is a semi-weekly newsletter that provides a timely snapshot of cyber events, geared toward cyber professionals and end users with varying levels of technical knowledge. The events published in the FLASH typically occurred close in time to publication of the report.

In this month's Wrap-Up, CTIX analysts have noted (or observed):

  • Multiple state-sponsored cyber-espionage campaigns, including phishing, wiping, and ransomware, as well as campaigns facilitated by financially motivated threat actors.
  • New strains of malware, as well as variants and upgrades of notorious malware, that are altering the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of threat actors used to deploy the payloads.
  • New sets of devastating critical vulnerabilities, such as Spring4Shell, JekyllBot:5, and Nimbuspwn, which create novel attack vectors whereby threat actors try to gain access to their victims' infrastructure.

To stay up to date on the latest cyber threat activity, sign up for our weekly newsletter: the Ankura CTIX FLASH Update.

Download the Full CTIX FLASH Wrap-Up

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cyber response, cybersecurity & data privacy, data & technology, report, f-risk, data privacy & cyber risk, f-distress

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