ESG initiatives are not a fad and are edging their way into creating value from the CFO front. Both the SEC and the ISSB have issued disclosure rules for commentary. But more importantly, environmental sustainability measures are boosting companies' profits and their ability to manage holistic market risks more effectively. In comes COVID and its far-reaching implications across businesses. Who would have anticipated the effect that the pandemic has had on the way we operate in the workplace and at home? ESG is paving the way for a transformed culture improving business performance, fostering cleaner innovation and improving employee engagement to be a part of something environmentally good. It is vital to the earth we live on...

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ESG is here to stay...

By embracing and prioritizing sustainability initiatives, finance executives can supply what stakeholders want and create economic value for the organization. Leadership, decision support, and oversight, as well as setting the right “tone at the top,” will be critical.