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| 1 minute read

Ankura Joint Venture Index: First Quarter 2022

Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter isn’t the only billion-dollar deal peppering recent headlines. Many billion-dollar partnerships were announced during the first quarter of 2022. In the latest Ankura JV Index, you can read about these big collaborations, including the announcement that Egypt’s sovereign wealth fund will enter into a $5 billion green ammonia project with Norway’s Scatec and rumors that South Korean conglomerate LG Energy may partner with Honda to build a multi-billion dollar electric battery JV.

These mammoth deals were just a fraction of the overall JV and partnership volumes in the first quarter. Other highlights include announced exits from Russian JVs, the rise of urban air mobility partnerships, and significant activity in financial services partnerships, particularly related to cryptocurrencies and cloud-based payments.

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joint ventures & partnerships, transaction strategy, report

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