Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) is the must have in any finance organization. Possibly the hardest job to fill in the finance department given the mix of talent requirements to dig into the details, correlate disparate information, tell the story with insights and convince colleagues to take action. In a world of increasing volatility, now more than ever, the need for robust tools ... yes, beyond spreadsheets... are needed to unlock decisions supported by data. Of course, FP&A based on a bad data quality environment is a painful experience, usually resulting in an accounting puzzle to unravel and...tears. As we explore the creation of great FP&A (we refer to as FP&A 3.0), the more energy spent on clean data and an efficient accounting close cycle allows for the fact, data, and analyses we all need and want...immediately. Much more to follow and embrace on this topic.

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FP&A: Facts, Data & Analysis

Advances in technology now mean growing treasure troves of data can be tapped to help finance chiefs make better and more informed decisions with the help of their FP&A groups.