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| 1 minute read

Compass Publication: October Release

With a track record of serving nearly 600 firms, including Fortune 50 companies and the largest Fintech unicorns, we provide impactful solutions to address complex regulatory, licensing, and compliance challenges faced by Fintech and financial services companies globally.

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In this issue:

7 Things You Need to Know to Get and Keep a Banking Sponsor  
By Lauren Ceniviva & Kay Toscano

AML Compliance and Artificial Intelligence: Why the Human Touch is Needed 
By Claudia Raskey

Clearing the Fog: How the Southern District of New York Has Changed Our Understanding of How Regulation E Applies to Digital Assets 
By Lauren Ceniviva

FinCEN Guidance on Cryptocurrency
By Vick Ekizian

Understanding the Ripple Effect
By Dara Chen

How Can Artificial Intelligence Assist in Detecting Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Financial Institutions? 
By Robert M. Reed and Danielle Tobb

The Five Pillars of an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Program 
By Susan Phetmisy-Liwag

Navigating Privacy Compliance Challenges for Startup Success  
By David Manek and Colleen Yushchak

The 2024 NMLS Annual Renewals
By Olivia Turner

NMLS Corner
We Can Show You the Way
Strategic Alliances

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compass, afc, article, report, forensics & investigations, risk & compliance, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering

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