Ankura experts Shelly Mady and Jean-Michel Ferat contributed to the second edition of The Guide to Compliance published by Global Investigations Review (GIR) by writing a chapter titled, “The Role of Audit and Monitoring in Compliance.” The GIR Guide to Compliance brings together compliance guidance and criminal enforcement trends relating to financial crimes and misconduct.
Below is an introduction to the chapter, if you wish to download the entire pdf version of the chapter, please do so by clicking here.
The Role of Audit and Monitoring in Compliance
Shelly Mady, and Jean-Michel Ferat
Internal audit and monitoring functions are important to an organization’s ability to design and implement an effective compliance program. Although each function has a distinct mandate, both contribute to the organization’s ability to understand its compliance risks, tailor its compliance program to those risks, and continually reassess and improve its internal controls to respond to an ever-changing compliance landscape. Ultimately, the presence, empowerment, and performance of these functions contribute to sentencing and post-event outcomes.

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