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| 1 minute read

Investors Dig Deep for Underground Infrastructure Opportunity

Discover the burgeoning opportunities in the underground infrastructure sector as highlighted in 'Investors Dig Deep for Underground Infrastructure Opportunity.' With the passage of significant legislation like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the industry is poised for a boom, attracting keen interest from middle-market private equity investors. 

Experts weigh in on the complexities of navigating this fragmented market, from valuation challenges to the strategic balance between contract and full-time workers. As the sector stands at the cusp of growth, driven by a backlog of essential projects and legislative incentives, this article sheds light on the nuanced dynamics investors face in capitalizing on this vital segment of the infrastructure market.

Read the article: Investors Dig Deep for Underground Infrastructure Opportunity | Middle Market Growth

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D’Cunha characterized the investment universe for trenchless underground infrastructure as a “bunch of big players, and a ton of smaller ones, with many of the larger deals being peer-to-peer.” However, that doesn’t suggest that the pace of M&A is going to slow down anytime soon.


perspective, f-transformation, transformation, construction & infrastructure, transaction strategy

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