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| 3 minute read

Expert Insights on Resolving Common Cloud Computing Disputes

In today's business landscape, cloud computing is an essential component for scalability, cost-efficiency, and operational agility. However, as dependence on cloud services grows, disputes are becoming increasingly frequent. These disputes often involve breaches of Service Level Agreements (SLAs), data availability, security breaches, service outages, and the escalating costs associated with Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. We examine common types of cloud computing disputes and emphasize the pivotal role Ankura experts can play as an expert witness in their resolution. 

Common Disputes in Cloud Computing

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Breaches

SLAs define the expected service levels between cloud providers and their clients, including uptime, performance, and response times. Disputes arise when providers fail to meet these terms, causing service disruptions and financial losses.

Data Availability and Integrity

Businesses expect constant access to their data. However, issues such as data loss, corruption, or unavailability can lead to significant disruptions and legal battles over responsibility and compensation.

Security Breaches

Data security is paramount in cloud computing. Breaches or unauthorized access can result in severe consequences, including data theft, regulatory fines, and reputational damage. Disputes often center on whether the provider maintained adequate security measures as per the SLA.

Service Outages

Unexpected outages can severely impact businesses that depend on continuous cloud access. Disputes may focus on the causes of outages and the adequacy of the provider's contingency plans.

Increasing SaaS Costs

As the usage of SaaS solutions grows, so do the associated costs. Disputes can arise over billing practices, hidden fees, and the perceived value of the services provided.

Data Portability and Vendor Lock-In

Challenges in migrating data between cloud providers can lead to disputes over data portability, compatibility issues, and associated fees.

Compliance and Regulatory Issues

Ensuring compliance with industry regulations (e.g., General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)) is critical. Disputes may occur if the provider fails to meet these requirements, leading to fines and legal consequences for the client.

How Ankura Can Help

Technical Assessments

Ankura can help you examine SLA terms to assess if the provider met their obligations, evaluating performance metrics, uptime records, and incident reports. In cases of data loss, security breaches, or service outages, Ankura can conduct a thorough assessment to determine root causes and evaluate the adequacy of the provider’s responses and preventive measures.

Compliance Evaluation

Ankura can assess whether the provider complied with industry standards and regulatory requirements, particularly regarding data security and privacy.

Expert Testimony

In legal proceedings, Ankura can provide expert testimony to clarify technical aspects of the dispute, aiding the court in making informed judgments.


As cloud computing becomes increasingly integral to business operations, understanding potential disputes and the role of expert witnesses in resolving them is vital. Clear and enforceable SLAs, combined with robust security measures and contingency plans, can mitigate many issues. However, when disputes arise, expert witnesses offer the technical clarity and impartial analysis needed to resolve conflicts and ensure fair outcomes.

Contact Amit Jaju for more information on how we can help your organization navigate cloud computing disputes effectively.

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apac, india, cloud computing, sla breaches, data security, saas costs, data portability, regulatory compliance, expert testimony, data & technology, disputes, article, f-conflict

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