4/29/2024 1:00:04 PM Vision 2030, a Race to the Deadline:Accelerate Without Losing Control By Ankura Consulting Sena Gbedemah, a construction specialist for Ankura in Saudi Arabia, explains how to avoid common pitfalls while negotiating acceleration...
1/30/2024 3:34:15 PM Family Businesses and the Strategic Imperative of IPO Readiness By Jad Hawwa Karim Labban Family is the core of Arab society. It is no coincidence then that family businesses are the backbone of its economies. In fact, most...
11/17/2023 6:33:23 PM When Ambition is High, The Stakes are HigherIntroducing The Rules for Giga-Governance By Ankura Consulting As the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) embarks on some of history's most ambitious construction programmes, effective project governance is...
10/12/2023 3:20:07 PM Navigating Family Business Transformation and Succession Planning in the Kingdom By Ankura Consulting AFacing the transition challenge is fraught with difficulties. Family businesses have stood as cornerstones of Saudi Arabia’s economy,...
6/15/2022 1:48:26 PM Breaking Down Saudi Arabia’s New Evidence Law By Muthmainur Rahman The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently announced the issuance of the Evidence Law, which comes into effect on July 8, 2022. This law...
2/16/2022 1:50:09 PM The Role of Technology Departments in Insider Trading Prevention By Muthmainur Rahman Insider trading concerns among regulators are on the rise. Businesses should leverage advanced technology solutions to protect...
1/26/2022 2:00:00 PM The Metaverse – What Does It Mean for Data Privacy and Information Security? By Muthmainur Rahman What are the implications for data privacy and information security in the Metaverse? The metaverse will create an “even more immersive...
1/18/2022 2:25:15 PM Ransomware – Prevention is Better Than Cure By Muthmainur Rahman As ransomware incidents increase, the debate on whether to pay ransom to the perpetrators or not has intensified. The best approach is to...
12/21/2021 2:00:00 PM Investigating Crypto Crime By Muthmainur Rahman The popularity and use of cryptocurrencies as digital assets and as an alternate medium of exchange is increasing rapidly. This is due to...
11/29/2021 12:00:00 AM Apple Alerts Prominent Pegasus Spyware Victims Following Lawsuit Against NSO Group By Muthmainur Rahman Apple has started sending threat notification alerts to its customers who may have been victims of targeted spyware attacks. On November...