Developing, implementing and effectively administering an Identity and Access Management (IAM) architecture is a dauting task for most organizations, yet the value (particularly in a post COVD19 remote workforce world) is even more evident. Organizations that have successfully implemented an effective IAM strategy start with small wins and build momentum with a focus on the most critical and vulnerable users.

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Why organizations need an effective Identity and Access Management strategy now more then ever
“Identity has become more important since COVID has made physical boundaries irrelevant,” says Andras Cser, VP and IAM analyst with Forrester Research. More businesses have moved toward remote users and have also given users outside the organization greater access to their internal systems. “With digital transformation accelerating, identity has become the cornerstone of customer acquisition, management, and retention,” he says. COVID-caused disruption has surfaced weaknesses in many organizations’ IAM architecture and greatly accelerated IAM evolution, according to Gartner’s latest 2021 Planning Guide for IAM report. “The economy now relies on IAM.”