9/29/2023 4:30:04 PM Keeping Pace: The Evolution of Incident Response By Kajen Subramoney Incident response (IR) has undergone a drastic transformation in the past two decades, adapting to the relentless evolution of the cyber...
9/29/2023 4:28:48 PM Insight into India's Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 By Amol Pitale Managing Director Amol Pitale recently conducted a seminar on India’s “Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023” with a focus on the...
4/28/2021 8:07:52 PM How Vulnerable is Your Supply Chain? By Robert Olsen One of the risks of interconnected supply chain ecosystems is the potential for catastrophic and systemic impacts on whole systems such...
4/23/2021 12:54:53 PM Apple Supplier Breached and IP Stolen - Is Your Organization Next? By Robert Olsen As organizations continue to rely on 3rd party vendors for business-critical services, it is imperative that they assess and properly...
4/23/2021 12:50:11 PM Cybercriminals Have Been Busy By Robert Olsen Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting businesses of all sizes, locations, and industries. As organizations have adapted to COVID-19...
4/23/2021 12:25:51 AM When Will Attacks on Our Critical Infrastructure Stop? By Robert Olsen Organizations and individuals should understand that if they aren't prepared for recurring operational cyber disruptions due to threat...
4/21/2021 1:08:32 PM Is this going to be SolarWinds 2.0? By Robert Olsen Here is another example of a critical software provider being exploited. Organizations need to ensure they are performing proper vendor...
4/13/2021 12:53:56 PM Why do Internet of Things (IoT) devices continue to lack basic security controls? By Robert Olsen Organizations continue to ignore the general lack of security when it comes to IoT devices that could be playing critical roles in their...
4/8/2021 8:55:43 PM Why organizations need an effective Identity and Access Management strategy now more then ever By Robert Olsen Developing, implementing and effectively administering an Identity and Access Management (IAM) architecture is a dauting task for most...
4/5/2021 3:30:06 PM What's Wrong with Today's Security Awareness Training? By Robert Olsen Employees continue to be the weak link in building and operating effective cybersecurity programs. Organizations need to take unique...
4/5/2021 3:11:21 PM What is the future of public-private cyber threat intel sharing? By Robert Olsen The only way to effectively stay abreast of hackers tactics, techniques and procedures is to establish a collaborative partnership to...