5/30/2024 1:52:54 PM Shaping the Future: Navigating the Evolving Landscape of International Dispute Resolution By Robert Jones The international dispute resolution landscape is changing dynamically, reflecting broader shifts in global legal practices,...
11/29/2023 9:57:09 PM Expert Evidence in Construction Disputes: Expert Witness Perspective By Matthew Finn Nicholas Cousino A typical construction dispute may involve issues such as delay to completion, disruption, damages, changes and variations, defect costs,...
10/12/2023 3:20:07 PM Navigating Family Business Transformation and Succession Planning in the Kingdom By Kassem Younes Facing the transition challenge is fraught with difficulties. Family businesses have stood as cornerstones of Saudi Arabia’s economy,...
7/13/2023 6:00:32 PM Hired Gun or Guide to Enlightenment? By David Dellar Michael Stokes The provision of expert witness evidence can be frustrating to a tribunal where the parties take an adversarial view to cross-examination...
12/16/2022 2:25:51 PM How Great Change is Influencing International Disputes By David Dearman Gary Davies Robert Jones In 2022 global crises, inflationary pressure, regulatory scrutiny, and judicial clarity have driven activity in international...
2/24/2021 12:00:00 AM Concurrent Expert Evidence in A Post-Pandemic World By Nicholas Cousino A necessary consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic is the greater use of virtual hearings for international construction arbitrations....
11/16/2020 12:00:00 AM How Hot-Tubbing is Shifting the Expert Evidence Paradigm By Toshi Dezaki Although in legal circles the practice has nothing to do with recreation or relaxation, it still seems appropriate that hot-tubbing...