1/28/2025 8:53:39 PM 2025 Healthcare Real Estate Strategy Trends By Katie Reilley The Ankura Healthcare Real Estate Strategy team monitors a wide variety of economic indicators to inform clients’ upcoming strategic...
8/21/2024 1:00:56 PM Navigating the Future: The Evolution of NMLS By Austin Briggs In the dynamic landscape of financial services, the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) has emerged as a cornerstone for...
4/25/2024 5:03:02 PM FIRPTA - A Practical Approach to the Valuation Exercise By Phil Antoon An often unknown yet potentially costly tax can emanate from the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, known as “FIRPTA.” In the...
4/23/2024 1:00:52 PM Why Success With Hybrid Return-To-Work Requires a Strategic Approach By Valerie Hart Hybrid work is here to stay. CBRE reports hybrid programs increased globally to 90% of all survey respondents. Yet issues related to...
4/10/2024 5:08:49 PM Healthcare Renovation Construction Cost Benchmarks By Mark Furgeson Katie Reilley Many of our clients are weighing whether to renovate inpatient rooms or build new ones. Because the cost of new healthcare construction...
2/15/2024 9:01:29 PM U.S. Travel & Lodging Sector Update By Manuel Bremont Hector Medina The U.S. lodging industry continued its path of positive performance since the outset of the pandemic. In 2023, the industry recorded its...
6/2/2023 6:33:06 PM A Financially Feasible Inpatient Solution is Possible… If You Are in the Right Market and Deploy the Right Strategy By Erin Nelson Many health systems are not currently considering inpatient capital projects because it is incredibly difficult to generate an...
5/10/2023 4:52:40 PM Retail Health: It Is Here to Stay. What Does That Mean for System-Based Ambulatory Care Facilities? By Erin Nelson With the recognition that hybrid virtual and in-person care will be the standard going forward, and that nontraditional players will own...
2/27/2019 12:00:00 AM Healthcare Villages: Enabling a Population Health Strategy By Michael O'Keefe The conversation surrounding healthcare villages, and how these developments can act as enablers to help healthcare providers execute a...