5/3/2021 7:06:08 PM The Age of Digital Transformation: Building a Data-Driven Culture By Ankura Consulting With technological advancements happening at a rapid pace, companies are more equipped than ever to justify and build a data-driven...
4/28/2021 8:07:52 PM How Vulnerable is Your Supply Chain? By Robert Olsen One of the risks of interconnected supply chain ecosystems is the potential for catastrophic and systemic impacts on whole systems such...
4/23/2021 12:54:53 PM Apple Supplier Breached and IP Stolen - Is Your Organization Next? By Robert Olsen As organizations continue to rely on 3rd party vendors for business-critical services, it is imperative that they assess and properly...
4/23/2021 12:25:51 AM When Will Attacks on Our Critical Infrastructure Stop? By Robert Olsen Organizations and individuals should understand that if they aren't prepared for recurring operational cyber disruptions due to threat...
4/14/2021 2:29:28 PM Who Cares Where? It's The What That Matters. By Ankura Consulting The success of an IPO depends on many things, and some matter more than others. There has been a recent flight to the US for a listing by...
4/8/2021 7:43:40 PM Tech in Focus at 2021 ABA Spring Meeting By Ankura Consulting The Antitrust Law Section held its virtual 2021 Spring Meeting over March 23-26. Sessions, of course, covered a wide variety of topics,...
4/5/2021 3:30:06 PM What's Wrong with Today's Security Awareness Training? By Robert Olsen Employees continue to be the weak link in building and operating effective cybersecurity programs. Organizations need to take unique...